We found 165 products for your search term: "live edged wood"
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This beautiful piece was handcarved into mahogany wood. The center design was hand wood burned. I few coats of polyurethane was applied for a lasting shine and protection.nbsp$45.00 USD
This hand engraved piece was inspired by a card that a co-worker had given me during some struggles at work. The picture is engraved on a smoke gray mirror and placed in a wood frame.nbsp$30.00 USD
This intresting piece was cut out of 1/4 plywood and then hydro dipped into a mixture of 2 colors. Then the whole exterior of the cross was framed using pine wood.nbsp$35.00 USD
Solid wood napkin holder. The design on the front is a relief carving with acrylic paint to give it some accent. The whole thing has polyurethane applied for durability and beauty.nbsp$55.00 USD
By BoRiljanaA beverage coaster inspired by the popular video game series Fallout. It is made of wood and painted with acrylic paints. It is handmade on scroll saw cutting machine, not lasers or such. Dimensions Width 4 inch Hei$18.00 USD