We found 24 products for your search term: "colored pencil drawing"
2 exact matches
Drawing on canson mixed media tonednbsppaper 21x29.7cm.Payment through this linknbsphttps//www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscrcmds-xclickhostedbuttonid7ELFCGJR2ERZ6nbsp$60.00 USDFree Shipping!
Portrait on strathmore drawingnbsppaper 28x35.5cm. Payment through this linknbsphttps//www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscrcmds-xclickhostedbuttonidRP5CPUEJY2T6Cnbsp$150.00 USDFree Shipping!
This beautiful wood plaque was hand decorated with wood burning and acrylic colored pencils. Several layers of polyurethane was applied for beauty and protection.nbsp$45.00 USD
Portrait on arches paper 31x41cm. Payment through this linknbsphttps//www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscrcmds-xclickhostedbuttonidU3D22U23WGJAQ$270.00 USDFree Shipping!