Books and Zines
How To Make Hair Bows Revealed - Step-By-Step Instructions For Making ...
Product Details
How to make hair bows revealed is the perfect instructional course for anyone who wants to learn how to make ha...
Have a book lover in your life This rustic style wooden book holder is just the thing they need. On top of the triangle, is the perfect place to store a pencil/pen/highlighter. You can even place your coffee in the mug holder. Several coats of polyure$50.00 USD
Original A5 journal cover made from natural leather with the effect of a 3D image, handmade. The eye circular glass stone is painted with paint usually used for painting stained glass, creating a very realistic result. On every cover the eye is unique$220.00 USD
Original A5 journal cover with an unique leather ball point pen, made from natural leather with the effect of a 3D image, handmade. The eye circular glass stone is painted with paint usually used for painting stained glass, creating a very realistic re$220.00 USD
Leather A5 notebook cover "Eye of the Dragon" made from natural leather with the effect of a 3D image, handmade. "Eye of the Dragon" circular glass stone, is painted with paint usually used for painting stained glass, creating a very realistic result.$215.00 USD
Product Details How to make hair bows revealed is the perfect instructional course for anyone who wants to learn how to make hair bows. This comprehensive step-by-step instructional course comes with a Dvd, fully loaded e-Manual 146 pages instant a$15.00 $29.00 USD